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Nominate your community

for rail safety + accessibility support from! 

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Matching Grant engaged

We need your help to distribute this $$$!'s Board Treasurer, Kellie Hinkle, and a Class I RR joined forces to fund a $17k matching grant for rail safety + accessibility across America.


When one railtown gets a sponsor, a second railtown also receives a 2025 Full Membership to Railtowns. Here's where you come in- we need to give away these second railtown memberships. Tell us why your railtown should get a free 2025 Full Membership!

Who can be nominated?

Any American community that has, or wants, access to freight or passenger rail. The community can be any size, does not need to be incorporated, but does need to have at least one elected leader or trustee.


How will choose which nominees get a Full Membership?

We’re looking to come alongside communities that are regularly challenged to integrate rail safely and have access within and across their community during rail activity. That's where we can do the most good!


Who is funding these Full Memberships?

These 2025 Full Membership come at 0 cost to the communities due to a very generous matching grant funded by a Class I RR in partnership with's Board Treasurer, Kellie Hinkle.


Who can nominate a community?

Anyone! Including you. And, you can nominate as many communities as you'd like.

Nomination Form

What are the benefits to the communities that are gifted 2025 Full Memberships?


Funds for Safety and Accessibility

The most effective way to make our railtowns safe and accessible is to fund the critical infrastructure and technology solutions needed to address the challenges. We're identifying sources of major and matching funds already set aside to address the issues our communities are struggling to resolve, and building a program to guide members through the process. 


Connecting Communities

When one community has a rail-related challenge, chances are good that one of the estimated 14,000+ other railtowns in America has experienced a similar issue, and may be able to help find a solution. We're developing interest groups that allow the community's first responders, city planners, elected leaders, and transportation departments to learn from and support each other.


Sharing Best Practices

We're working with experts, government entities, railroads, the industry, and the industry ecosystem across the country and around the world to give railtowns access to the best available strategies for addressing critical issues like crossing safety, emergency response, city planning, and maintaining productive relationships with concerned citizens, railroads, government representatives, and the broader community.


Rebuilding Railtown Pride

There was a time when being a railtown was a source of community pride. It meant growth, possibility, access, and a never-ending supply of goods. The way we built our infrastructure around railroad tracks has led to rail being seen as dividing rather than connecting us. We're working to make rail an integral part of our communities, and part of our future growth, safety and success.


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